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Seven Overrated Travel Destinations

There comes a time when you visit a destination and ask yourself: “Is this it? Did I travel all the way here for this?” Sometimes we visit places and feel they are completely overrated and don’t deserve their reputation. We are left uninspired or maybe even a little let down. We asked a group of fellow travel writers to name their most overrated travel destinations. The responses surprised us.

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Liechtenstein – Europe’s Great Little Country

“Why visit Liechtenstein?” I heard that question over a dozen times from friends when I told them of my plan to spend the weekend in this tiny country in the European Alps. My answer was always the same, “Why not?” While the Principality of Liechtenstein is the 6th smallest country in the world, I learned that great things can come in small packages!

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Haunted Echoes in Prague’s Jewish Quarter

The German conquest of Europe during World War II eradicated most of the Jewish ghettos and nearly all of European Jewish culture, however, the Prague Jewish Quarter was allowed to survive. The Nazis actually brought Jewish artifacts from all over Europe to Prague because they intended to create the Museum of An Extinct Race. Today, 20th Century office buildings tower over the Quarter choking off sunlight to the small, humble buildings below.

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